Zie onderstaande mail, tl;dr: verwijder spotnet een x en vergeet niet om c:\programdata\spotnet ook te verwijderen en installeer het hele spulletje een x opnieuw, de database zal opnieuw worden opgebouwd en de zaak werkt weer...
Attention Customer:
Firstly, we want to apologize because during the process of preparing an improvement to our platform, changes were inadvertently made live overnight to all customers rather than the intended test group. After considering the options available, we believe it would cause greater harm to try and revert this change.
Below is the information we intended to send you ahead of making these changes, explaining what the changes are and how to solve any issues you may encounter. Due to this improvement you will be able to retrieve more complete header information about all articles on our servers.
What has changed?
The article numbering has been changed: old and damaged headers have been restored/repaired and some missing headers have been added.
What does this mean for me?
It is quite possible you won’t notice anything, except for increased header information. Depending on your usenet software you might have to refresh your groups.
Why can’t I download anything?
Your profile may be damaged. It is also possible that you will have to unsubscribe or remove the newsgroups from your software, and re-subscribe/re-add.
Please refer to the instructions below to help solve header issues for some of the most popular clients.
• Spotnet
The database will need to be rebuilt to use the new headers. Remove Spotnet from your PC using the control panel, then download and install the latest version from
• GrabIt
You will need to update the groups you are subscribed to. Right click the group name on the left side of GrabIt, and select ‘Full Update’.
• SpotLite
To re-enable SpotLite, click ‘Options’ and then ‘Delete and redownload headers’.
• Newsleecher
We haven’t found any issues with Newsleecher. Should you encounter any problems, right click and select ‘Wipe Group Cache’. This should then download the new headers.
• Newsbin Pro
Use the following method to keep all headers you have already downloaded:
1. Select all of the groups that you're subscribed to by pressing ctrl-a.
2. Right click and select ‘Post Storage’ and then ‘Use Download Age’.
3. Set the download age to ‘10’ in the Options/Setup menu.
4. Refresh the headers as usual.
• XNews
1. Click ‘Group’, then ‘Refresh Headers Special’.
2. Select the whole range.
3. Select ‘Retrieve and Include read articles’
4. Click ‘OK’
• News Rover
Old headers won’t be loaded if the message body has not yet been downloaded. To solve this, click Newsgroup with the right mouse button and select ‘Re-download list of available messages’.
• Unison
Right click ‘Newsgroup’ and then select ‘Reset newsgroup’.
• Outlook Express/Windows Mail
Remove (unsubscribe) the newsgroup, and then add it again.
Again, we apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. If you need assistance or have any questions please contact support at